While there’s no doubt at all that money is the primary reason for women to become online sluts or prostitutes, it is more surprising that sexual motivations rank pretty high too. We usually define a woman who has many different sexual partners as a promiscuous woman who's even often called a slut. It is, obviously, a very pejorative term for a person who is deemed sexually promiscuous. It is usually used as an insult, sexual slur or offensive term of disparagement like slut shaming. It originally meant "a dirty, slovenly woman", and is rarely used to refer to men. Slut shaming is a related term, referring to the act of drawing attention to a person's promiscuous behaviour for the purpose of shaming them socially. These definitions identify a slut as a woman of low character—a person who lacks the ability or chooses not to exercise a power of discernment to order her affairs.
Child abuse is often pointed out
Women turn to prostitution for many different reasons, but they often feel stigmatised by society as needing help to stop their work so to say, fewer than half of the prostitutes have considered stopping, instead of society respecting their choice of work. Child abuse is often pointed out as a reason for prostitution by the media, politicians and general public, who feel the prostitutes, need help to stop their work.
Sex drive and biological urges
A majority of female escort and female prostitutes became sluts due to sexual curiosity and biological urges as reasons for engaging in prostitution; many of them showed a strong interest in sex before becoming prostitutes. Almost half, if not all, of the female escorts and just over half of the prostitutes became sex workers because they saw an opportunity to make money through using their body. Many of them turn to virtual services like nude webcams or Skype sex shows. Adult webcams are winning over a growing number of traditional escort girls primarily because of the absence of physical contact with their partners. A live sex show takes place exclusively online through a webcam connected to the Internet. Streetwalkers (prostitutes working in the street), on the other hand, draw a different picture as they are not involved in this business for sex drive reasons but to deal with financial problems such as drug addiction. Most women sometimes feel intense sexual needs they cannot ignore. They have struggled with feeling of being different from cultural expectations of women. That's why more and more young sluts are doing free live porn cams.
All about the money
Despite the sexual drive, the main reason for prostitution in all groups is money. Some have to pay for housing, food and day care for their children; others must pay for their drug addiction, while others want an extra week’s holiday abroad. A typical story that mostly goes on is that a man divorces a woman and takes all the money, and the woman then sees prostitution as the only way to earn a living. That's even more true for young sluts who didn't finished school.